My Bowen Therapy 

Over 4000 customer reviews & a 4.8 star rated

Book your free plantar fasciitis  consultation today & get a free full body posture scan and report

Average customer only 4 sessions, save time & money, eliminate the root cause of your pain & discomfort.

Tel: 010 254 4640

Tel: 010 254 4640

Awards & Appearances 

Plantar Fasciitis Pain Treatment

KL No1 Therapy

Senior Therapist

From RM113 per treatment

Based on a package of 5 treatments @ RM1122 then RM113 per treatment

Single treatments charged @ RM357 per treatment

Book A Free Consultation Today!

Tel: 010 254 4640

Tel: 010 254 4640

Over 4000  Reviews!

Just A Few Plantar Fasciitis Reviews

Hsheethaz King Mowe

Louse Hyland

Mark  Rampling

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"...plantar fasciitis....magic touch with different result after a day. Dear MBT team, Always remember that for each patient you see, you maybe the only person in their life capable of both hearing and holding their "Pain"..Being able to help someone is a Talent...."

Just try it. I have been suffering plantar fasciitis in my foot for over 13 months. .. I tried various treatments such as Physio and acupuncture but just wasn’t getting the results ... I tried Bowen therapy this week and I can honestly say I can already feel a huge difference..."

...planter fasciitis on left heel, achilles tendonitis on both heels. After session 1 the back was 60% less painful than it had been in years.. and the heel pain was almost gone. Hopefully, fully recovered within a couple more sessions. Very impressive.

Roshini Roshy

Norazlinda Ayub‎

Facebook Review

Facebook Review



"...helped me with my heel pain which has turned on the positive side and also taught me how to take care of my posture and all. I am extremely thankful ..."

..Alhamdullillah after 3 session I do not need the ... procedure for my plantar faciitis. Now taking my mother & hubby for their problems.

Testimonial Disclosure

Individual results may vary, and our client's past results are in no way a guarantee of future results. Our testimonials are unsolicited and can be found on our Google, Facebook and our internal review pages.

Unlocking the Body's Puzzle: Exploring the Hidden Connections of Plantar Fasciitis Pain

Did you know that those with plantar fasciitis pain have often experienced pain in other parts of the body?  Learn more about the conditions related to plantar fasciitis pain by clicking on the icon.

Free Consultation & Posture Analysis Report

Free Consultation & Posture Analysis Report




Tel: 010 254 4640

Tel: 010 254 4640

Our advanced A.I. computer vision software is here to help. It analyzes your body to accurately measure alignment & posture, giving you a clear picture of how your posture may be contributing to your plantar fasciitis pain. Say goodbye to guesswork!

Tel: 010 254 4640

Tel: 010 254 4640

During treatment we address all of your aches and pains without any extra charges. We're here to help you find relief and get back to feeling your best. Say hello to a pain-free life!

Trusted care professionals



Over 4000 reviews

We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction.

4.8 Star rated service

Our customers rate us 4.8 out of 5 star.



Average 4 treatments 

Our average customer requires only 4 treatments, saving you time & money

Free full body assessment & consultation

Let our award winning team give you full body assessment

Free Your Feet: Discover Plantar Fasciitis Relief Today!

Are Your Feet in Pain? Get Relief from Plantar Fasciitis Today!

Do you suffer from foot pain? It could be a condition called plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is characterized by various painful symptoms, including:

Swelling and severe pain in the heel 

  • Numbness or lack of sensation in the feet 
  • Sharp pain in the heels while walking
  • Pain in the soles of the feet
  • Limping while walking
  • Tightness or pulling sensation in the foot

So, what exactly is plantar fasciitis and how does it happen? Plantar fasciitis occurs when the ligament connecting the heel bone to the toes, called the plantar fascia, becomes disturbed or misaligned. This can lead to pain in the bottom of the foot and/or heel.

While plantar fasciitis is commonly associated with adults, the elderly, and individuals involved in activities that require prolonged standing, our team of Therapists at My Bowen Therapy has observed that this pain can also occur in individuals who sit for long periods or grind their teeth in their sleep.

The Hidden Web of Pain: Unraveling the Connections of Plantar Fasciitis and Beyond

You might be wondering how sitting or teeth grinding can affect the plantar fascia. The human body has intricate connections, and seeking the help of a soft tissue specialist is crucial for proper management if you suspect or have been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis.

Many people initially experience mild tightness or aching in the foot and/or heel, especially in the morning or after sitting for a while. Unfortunately, these symptoms are often ignored, leading to mismanagement of the condition. This can result in a cycle of pain that lasts for months or even years, with individuals trying temporary relief measures like medication, icing, or using a tennis ball, or even resorting to more invasive procedures like cortisone injections.

However, seeking the assistance of a soft tissue specialist from the beginning could have saved time, money, and unnecessary suffering. It's worth noting that even Dr. Gabe Mirkin, the inventor of the R.I.C.E method, now acknowledges that icing and complete rest can actually delay recovery.

While temporary relief methods may temporarily subside the symptoms, the underlying root cause of plantar fasciitis remains unaddressed. This can lead to the development of other aches and pains in different parts of the body, such as the back, shoulders, or knees, without realizing the connection to plantar fasciitis.

The primary causes of plantar fasciitis include prolonged stress on the feet, flat feet, and excessive body weight. Prolonged standing can put excessive pressure on the feet, leading to swelling and acute heel pain. Flat feet can also contribute to heel pain as the weight distribution becomes uneven. At My Bowen Therapy, we do not recommend insoles, as they can strain other areas of the body. Instead, we focus on addressing the underlying causes.

Surprisingly, prolonged sitting can also impact the plantar fascia. The Psoas muscle, which connects the back to the legs, dislikes sitting and can cause back or shoulder aches, digestive or respiratory issues, and even anxiety. Additionally, teeth grinding can overwork muscles that attach the jaw to other bones, leading to imbalances and potential pain in the feet.

Pain-Free Feet Await: Defeat Plantar Fasciitis with My Bowen Therapy

It's important to note that plantar fasciitis is frequently misdiagnosed and can be mistaken for nerve entrapment, such as Baxter's Nerve. Clinical symptoms of Baxter's Entrapment and plantar fasciitis can be very similar, especially in individuals with a history of back or neck stiffness or pain.

If you're tired of living with foot pain, don't wait any longer. Visit My Bowen Therapy for effective treatment and relief from plantar fasciitis. Regain control of your feet

Book A Plantar Fasciitis Consultation

Book a free Plantar Fasciitis Consultation today & find out why we have over 4000 reviews & a 4.8 star rated service.

  • Free No-Obligation Consultation
  • On Average Only 4 Treatments*
  • 1500 Genuine Patient Review
  • 4:8 Star Rated Service

You have nothing to lose and a smile to gain

Tel: 010 254 4640

Tel: 010 254 4640



Glomac Damansara

Block A, Level 2 Unit 5

A-02-05 Jalan Damansara 


Kuala Lumpur


Etiqa Twins

Main Podium Level 2

Unit 2.5 11 Jalan Pinang


Kuala Lumpur

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