André Scherpe

Enjoy your personal adventures abroad without any worries

Forgeign Health insurance for pupils, students, au pairs, language students, participants in work and travel programs, scholarship holders or doctoral candidates

Welcome - Young Travel INCOMING

Do you need health insurance for your stay in Germany so you can apply for your visa?

The health insurance with the “Young Travel INCOMING” tariff meets all the requirements of Regulation (EC) No. 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on issuing Schengen visas.

“Young Travel INCOMING” tariff

To apply for a visa for your entry into Germany, or to extend it once in Germany you need health insurance for the duration of your language course until you start studying at a German university or start an apprenticeship, this can be taken out through


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Copyright © André Scherpe

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