Video Challenge - Supported by TranSe Salon

It's finally (almost) time to reflect on the year that was 2020.

In a year where time has lost all meaning, it's important to try to appreciate what we gained, lost, and ultimately learned. 

Make a video and share with us the 1 most memorable thing that kept you going while staying home - and win a prize while you're at it.

Entry period has closed.

How it works

Make a video


Make a video about anything that helped you cope with the time spent staying home during COVID. Soundtrack it with music from Evoke Music. Create an account here

Upload your video


Upload your video(s) to Twitter, Instagram, youtube, Tik Tok, or Facebook with the official challenge hashtags by January 15th, 2021.

Submit your video


Enter your name, link to your video, and check some boxes in the form below to enter the contest. 




Best Video Award

*1 winner



Evoke Music Award

TranSe Salon Award

*1 winner

*1 winner [For TranSe Salon members]

  • DJI Mini2
  • Evoke Music Creator Pro annual subscription



Smile Award

Lucky Award

*1 winner

*3 winners

  • ¥10,000 Apple Store gift certificate
  • Evoke Music Creator Pro annual subscription

Winners will be announce on this site on February 5th, 2021.


Yusuke Okawa / TranSe Salon

Learning videography on his own by watching international video creators, he founded TranSe Inc, in April 2018. Having the mission to “Make world interactive, Create future innovative,” Yusuke started his own YouTube channel while working hard on videography. His channel contains high-quality video content and tutorials for videography. Yusuke has more than 170,000 followers on YouTube, Twitter, and other social media in total. Also, one of the biggest online communities for videography, “TranSe Salon,” managed by his company, has around 1,500 members and continues to grow.

Taishi Fukuyama / Evoke Music COO

Taishi Fukuyama has a diverse career in music and tech, from consulting the business and strategy of various industry-leading technology companies such as The Echo Nest, launching the first Music Hack Day in Asia in Tokyo 2014, becoming the first Red Bull Soundclash champion in Japan and producing the music of chart-topping Japanese and Korean artists. Taishi continues to provide insights to industry media and conferences and currently is co-founder and Chief Operating Officer at Amadeus Code, an artificial intelligence-powered songwriting assistant.

Judging criteria







Share your video and get more views. 

We'll be looking at likes, comments, and retweets on your video.

Be unique and show us and tell us your own unique quarantine story.

  • Sign up to Evoke Music's free or paid subscription to enter the challenge
  • Source all of your music in your video from Evoke Music
  • Follow Evoke Music on the platform you submit your video on
  • Follow Evoke Music on YouTube/TikTok/Instagram/Facebook/Twitter
  • Include these hashtags in your video description or title #EvokeChallenge #EMcreators #(the name of the thing your quarantine was about) 
  • [Only for TranSe Salon members]#transesalon
  • The deadline to submit is January 15th, 2021.
  • Submit as many videos as you want!

Example video

What should I make my video about? 

A YouTuber, Netflix series, comedian, food, hacks.. whatever got you through quarantine, we want to hear about it!

Don't forget to include a hashtag for what your video is about.

Submit your video

Entry period has closed.

Winners will be announce on this site on 2021/02/05.

Contest partner

TranSe Salon - Do challenge with our community for video creators

(Available Japanese only)

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