
The ‘Help’ tab gives you the ability to interact with our customer support team. In this tab you have the ability to submit an inquiry, monitor existing inquiries, and see a list of every inquiry that you have ever opened on your account.

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How do I open a new inquiry?

Under the ‘Tab’ tab you will see a ‘Get help!’ button. Click that button.

If you want to submit an inquiry associated with a particular purchase or subscription you can click the ‘Help’ button to the right of the listed purchase/subscription.

If you want to submit an inquiry associated with a particular purchase or subscription you can click the ‘Help’ button to the right of the listed purchase/subscription.

Once you click on the ‘Help’ button you will be taken to a dialogue box. Here is where you would submit a question to our customer support team. Simply type your question or concern into the box and click the ‘Submit’ button.

You will then see that your inquiry has been submitted and the inquiry should show that it is ‘active’ in the top right corner of the page.

How will I know when customer support responded to my inquiry?

You will receive an email letting you know that our customer support team has responded to your inquiry. You can then go into the ‘Help’ tab and click on the inquiry that was submitted.

You will see the customer support response below the dialogue box. If you need to respond, simply type in the dialogue box and click the ‘Submit’ button.

How do I know when an inquiry is ‘active’?

Go to the ‘Help’ tab. You will see a list of all your inquiries. If the inquiry is still active and has not yet been marked as resolved you will see ‘ACTIVE’ to the right of the inquiry in green text.

How do I know when an inquiry is resolved?

Go to the ‘Help’ tab. You will see a list of all your inquiries. If the inquiry is marked as resolved, you will see ‘RESOLVED’’ to the right of the inquiry in grey text.

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